Super traffic pain for the people who live in San Francisco from this event.
All posts by Taylor
One Down Two To Go
Sidecar goes out of business.
I predict the same for Uber and Lyft.
Northern Mexico
Here I am coming to you from Northern Mexico, aka the Bay Area region of
California USA,the Pacific Rim, under Washington DC’s protection, guidance and
About to start another week of driving a cab. The last week of cab driving
really put a pounding on my body.
The good thing to come from it though is I did get a chance to finish all my
classes at the community college for this semester and I can now read the books I
want to read instead of what my instructors want me to read.
well man what can you say? Just trying to wait out the bubble
I am slowly trying to fine tune my word press site here. Square and DropBox didn’t hit their IPO numbers , more Unicorns to follow.
All the techno devotees must be at Burning Man.
As there seems to be a fair amount of parking in my San Francisco neighborhood. I just hope they are not watching the NASDAQ.
300 Feet from St. Mary’s Square San Francisco
Really needed to use restroom while driving cab and found a public rest room in a hidden niche of the financial district of San Francisco called St. Mary’s square, looked like a lot of homeless people hang out here along with lunch time workers from financial district , interesting place.
I am always intrigued how humans live when they don’t have established dwellings in an urban environment.
If economy is so good why is Fed Funds Rate still at Zero.
“Good doesn’t always win”=my favorite scene Apocalypse Now
Lets hope this doesn’t hold true as to Uber and corporate TNC’s trying to harm the cab industry.
Learned something interesting in my cab the other night
A venture capitalist told me tech is only one small segment of making money. He said the technology of a product must be spot on , but the most important part is finding out things like why people use a product, and how to get more people using the product
San Francisco becoming congested expensive hell.
San Francisco is adding thousands of new residents without the infrastructure to accommodate them this is hugely evident in the unbearable traffic congestion in the city.