The immediate threat..

The Chinese threat is different than Soviet threat in that Soviet threat was external and there was money to be made by internal wealthy(US) using hyped Soviet threat as way to make more money.

Chinese conundrum is one were the internal wealthy (US) are enticed , tempted , corrupted by perceived wealth and power of dealing with Chinese elite who are pimping out their massive and under payed work force to US elite along with , potentially allowing US elite access to Chinese market.
Chinese elite are aware of the weakness to this temptation by their US counterparts and holding out those carrots to gain real economic strength in the form of access to US markets, factories, and technology transfers that translate into real economic value, power, and eventually military power.
The US is like the crack addict who thinks he can play with the drug on the weekend and not get addicted and the Chinese are like the crack dealer who offers a few free hits of the crack to the get the user addicted and then control of the users life.
US needs to be in a 12 step program for giving up it’s national sovereignty.
There are definitely traitorous powerful economic interests lobbying for policies that will lead to a further weakening of the US these interests do this for their own selfish gains of wealth and power.
Coming soon a piece about Australia moving towards China’s orbit..

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