No Country for Old Men

Is one of my favorite movies of the last 3 or 4 years.  Even though I don’t understand the ending it makes the movie like a poem for me.  In the end Tommy Lee Jones goes back into the hotel room that Javier Bardem, is in and stares at some screws, next thing you know Tommy Lee Jones is talking to his woman as if he is retired about dreams he is having of his father.
At this point I am not sure if he is retired , or has been killed and this is some kind of heavenly dream state and yet I really don’t care cause it’s so beautiful.
Another seen in the movie that sticks in my head is the one where the pitbull is coming after Josh Brolin(Josh is a hell of an actor) as the pitbull charges Brolin , Brolin has to assemble an automatic pistol and put in the clip to kill the dog just in time.
That scene kind of reminds me of my life as I see danger approaching and am trying to get a certain type of job skill, one dealing with SQL before the danger arrives, the danger being some type of unknown in the economy.
As I try and sell my labor in the global market place for work.

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